Typically, when
a urban street wear apparel brand is starting up or even recently, establish couture brands, still
trying to keep it street and capture the essence of its the grassroots, they
proceed to open up a pop up shop. Hoping to make a name for themselves; add a
little hype to their growing brand, capture some foot traffic, get rid of
surplus inventory all to generate income. The concept of a pop up shop is
pretty cool if you ask me because if you do not know by now I am sale kind of
guy. A pop up shop is essentially clever
gorilla marketing at is best. However, a
pop up mall? That is the best thing since slice bread for a street wear sale
connoisseur such as myself.
Intelektual Properties is a play and reflection on pseudo-calculated circumstances where a fashion brands success is based upon the choices of other fashion brands successes. Intelektual Prop follows and discusses fashion successes, follies, imitations, innovations, styles, trends and retail resurgences from a business standpoint. Essentially, what dictates a fashion brands staying power and why? Whether its couture or street fashion.